Server Rates
This page explains about the basic L2Gold features and gives some information for the people who are not really played L2GOLD style before!
Rates: xp 55x / sp 50x / adena 10x (all adena is divided by 100/all shops prices too).
Server: Full Official C6 server (retail server) with custom modifications.
Gameplay: No weight limit, Buffs 1 hour, Free rebirth, Subclass, No class change quests, increased movement speed on all classes.
Safe Enchant +3 & Max Enchant is with scale.
AIO Buffer
There is a support buffer spawned in every important town.
The buffs last for 1hour and are free of charge.
Also a Clan that owns Castle or Clan Hall got AIO with full support-Resist buffs.
Character Creation
A new character will spawn in Aden Town. There you can buff yourself up and you're good to go!
The new character will start with all the needed items INCLUDING the Quest items (no more searching for the right quest items for class transfers).
Custom Boss Jewels
They can be collected only by killing the Raid Bosses that owns them, example Earring of Garacsia can be droped only by Cherub Galaxia.

Earring of Garacsia - M.Def 71

Produces the following effects: MP +31, +10% bow resistance and +7 speed.

Earring of Ipos - M.Def 71

Produces the following effects: MP +31, +10% dagger resistance and +7 speed.

Earring of Kandra - M.Def 71

Produces the following effects: MP +31, +20% wind resistance and +7 speed.

Earring of Von Helman - M.Def 71

Produces the following effects: MP +31, +20% dark resistance and +7 speed.

Earring of Vermilion - M.Def 71

Produces the following effects: MP +31, +20% fire resistance and +7 speed.

Earring of Falston - M.Def 71

Produces the following effects: MP +31, +20% water resistance and +7 speed.

Ring of Horuth - M.Def 48

Produces the following effects: MP +21 and +10% P.Def.

Ring of Mos - M.Def 48

Produces the following effects: MP +21 and +10% M.Def.

Ring of Shadith - M.Def 48

Produces the following effects: MP +21 and 500% faster hp regen.

Ring of Tayr - M.Def 48

Produces the following effects: MP +21 and +100 bow range.

Necklace of Hekaton - M.Def 95

Produces the following effects: MP +42 and +15% CP.

Necklace of Brakki - M.Def 95

Produces the following effects: MP +42 and +60% resistance to most of the debuffs.

Necklace of Naga - M.Def 95

Produces the following effects: MP +42 and +15% HP.
Refine System
In L2Gold you can find a great way of powering up your armors and jewels.
Refining is the custom system with witch you have the change to increase the defence of your S grade armors and even transform it into Apella and later to Dynasty.
Collecting materials and increasing the % of your armors and jewels is easier if you farm in groups at the special zone of Elven Fortress 2 where monsters with Boosted drop and stats can be found.
Some things you need to know before you start to refine your armor:
1) Refining can not fail.
2) As soon as 1 part of your armor set has a different % than the rest, you will lose your set bonus.
3) You will not lose enchants on the armor if you refine it.
4) With heavy armor, you need to get the
upper & lower body parts to 100% before you can turn it into Apella.
Subclass System
Once you have become noblesse you have the chance to change into an other order to do so you will need to visit Rubert.
(the subclass manager) who is standing in front of Aden.
He will provide you with the required items witch you need to have in order to make the subclass.
Rebirth System
Once a player becomes 78 LvL he can choose to rebirth at the rebirth Manager,located in Aden Town.
A player who perform a rebirth return back to 40 LvL.Although the player he will still keep his items
but his skills are lost,keep in mind you could keep enchant skills.As long you perform a rebirth you will
receive a rebirth book,when you get 3 rebirth books you can trade them to rebirth manager for a special
rebirth cloack.Each player can get a maximum of 3 rebirths.
Noblesse System
L2Gold has its own Noblesse system. Once you have completed 3 rebirths you need to collect various items from the following raid bosses in order to become a Noblesse.

Black Crown

Death Lord Hallate Raid Boss

Red Crown

Longhorn Golgonda Raid Boss

Silver Crown

Tomp Death Cabrio Raid Boss

Gold Crown

Kernon Raid Boss
Third Job Change
As soon as your character is 76 level or above, you are able to do the 3rd occupation change that can be done at the NPC job changer “Carola” who stands next to the church entrance in Aden Castle Town.
PK Manager
When a player gets more than 5 PK he risks loosing his items. To prevent that from happening use Marden the PK Manager standing in front of Aden Warehouse to erase ALL your pks by offering him a few materials.